Hollydene meets at St. Dunstan’s
1806 San Juan Ave
Sundays at 10:30 am
Coffee at 10:15 am
A Simple Church
Our desire is to be a church that encourages people to meaningfully engage with their greater community by bringing a Gospel response to the needs around them. Rather than filling calendars with programs that suck people out of neighbourhoods and suck life out of people, we strive to embody that promise of Jesus to “bring life more abundantly.”
These three values serve as navigational tools for our journey as a community.
We believe that as we throw parties, host BBQ’s, house concerts, book clubs and other gatherings, we open ourselves up to God’s work in and among us.
When we gather together for worship, our goals is for Hollydene services to foster a warm place that invites participation. We do what we can to draw people away from being a spectators and into a life as engaged members in a community.
In many churches, spiritual growth is often measured by enthusiasm. While enthusiasm is wonderful, when thinking about spiritual formation, we prefer the image of a seed. Seeds remind us of organic growth patterns.
With organic growth, we can wait for things (leaders, new projects, programs) to emerge before we engage in them. We can trust that God will give us what we need (finances, leaders, resources, ideas, space) for each stage of the journey. Our job is to cultivate a healthy environment for the new seeds to grow.
We desire to be a church community that would be seen as a gentle people living prophetically in the greater community: a group that takes Micah 6:8 as a call to radical discipleship.
“O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
While the needs of our global community are obvious, acts of justice and mercy are most potent (and ‘gospel’) when they are extended personally and lived locally. Tuning our ears and becoming attentive to the hurts and the needs of our community is a difficult discipline.